Date: 27 - 29 September 2015
Place: Hotel DoubleTree by Hilton, Kosice, Slovak Republic
Language: English with simultaneous translation into Slovak language
The main aim of this event is to provide a multi-stakeholder platform bringing together key policymakers, researchers and interest groups to explore ways to address chronic noncommunicable diseases effectively in Visegrad four (V4) countries – Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia.
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Impressions from the conference.
Watch all speeches from the V4 conference on NCDs 2015.
Conference programme
V4_NCDs_2015_programme - EN version.pdf
V4_NCDs_2015_program - SK verzia.pdf
In a time of financial crisis, an ageing population and a growing burden of chronic noncommunicable diseases, societies across Europe and their healthcare systems are under great pressure. In recent years much political attention has been given to chronic noncommunicable diseases, resulting in initiatives such as the Political Declaration of the 2011 UN High Level Meeting on the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), and the 2013 WHO EURO Ashgabat Declaration on the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases in the Context of Health 2020. We must build on these and turn policy into action by outlining concrete initiatives which can form part of national NCD programmes to improve health and well-being, reducing health inequalities and building more equitable, cohesive and sustainable societies.
The aim of the meeting is to create a multi-stakeholder platform for discussing ideas on chronic non-communicable disease prevention and management in Europe and in V4 countries and to provide insight into the areas for future action identified by the public health experts and how this relates to EU policy priorities or national priorities.
The meeting will:
- Introduce most recent WHO EURO strategic documents that aim to guide movement in the desired direction and to assist Member States and the WHO European Region in reaching the goal and in achieving its vision;
- Debate new evidence on the status of chronic disease prevention, control and management in Europe, and current developments in the field;
- Identify common approaches to develop the evidence and information base needed to guide policy;
- Share innovative approaches and collaborating at national and subnational levels in trialling innovative policies and practices for tackling NCDs, thereby strengthening the evidence base for effective mechanisms as well as the translation of findings to inform policy development and actions.
Conference venue - Hotel Double Tree by Hilton
- Conference secretariat
040 11 Kosice, Slovakia
+421 55 234 3393